
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Almost done...

Well, after just under 2 months, the game is near completion! Wait... what?! Yeah, that's right the game is near completion. I just need to add a few more touches to the game such as icons, and maps, and a quest system... Luckily for me, my son was born at the beginning of the month so I was able to take some leave from work and dedicate the time to my family... and this game. Right now, the game has a tentative release date for August 15th with Beta starting in the beginning of July. Well, here's the updates for today...

I finally completed the planning of the Namekian Warriors beginner quests, so all that I need to do is the Ginyu Force quests - then I can finally start programming the quests and adding the rest of the quests to the game!

I fixed the Fatigue proc to make it smoother, and I also fixed some of the coding in the Training procs and all of the Transformation procs. These systems are now 100% complete (or very close to it)!

I added a lot more sound effects for transformations, some ki blast sounds, and explosions. It's absolutely amazing what sound effects do for a game. I mean, the icons and turfs I'm using now look crappy and the game is still fun because of the sound effects. I can't wait until the icons, turfs, and questing system are completed because I honestly believe this is going to be a kick-ass game. On to other updates... I balanced the races out a little more and the transformation stats. It's kind of hard to balance stuff with Super Saiyan 4, so I didn't. Instead, I made it so that all of the other races get a massive head start on the Saiyans to equal everything out in the end. Yes, Saiyans are weak in the beginning and need to actually train hard, get over it. Now for the game systems information...

The following systems are 100% complete (or very close pending beta results once the icons get here):
Battle - attacking, death handler, ki death handler
Ki - ki balls, beams, ki struggles
Split Forms
NPC - movements, attacking, etc.
Help Messages - little messages that pop-up during ki struggles, training, beginning of game, etc.

Stuff that I still need to fix or add:
Dragonball Radar - just kind of buggy and I want to add directional arrows to it.
Icon States - just need to add them to the current procs once they're completed.
Maps - I have a basic layout of how I want the maps made, I just need the turfs so I can get started.
Quests - This is still a work in progress as I haven't decided how I want to make the quest engine yet.
Weather / Day & Night - I still haven't decided on this one yet. I think if anything this may be in a version 1.x release, maybe even version 2.
Housing - Again, I haven't decided on this one. I may start a poll for this during beta... we'll see.
Stores - I'm making stores show their items in an interface window. I like it.

I'm going to go ahead and bump that programming up to a whopping 85% completed! If I had to put a version number on what we had right now, I would only give it a 0.4 because of the lack of icons and turfs to make maps. Once I get those I can move the game up to a 0.8 which is Beta status.

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